Bunnies Are Magic
After mornings of particularly shameful toddler like behavior (oftentimes on both our parts)- it's easy to let it dictate the rest of our day. Too easy it is to spend her nap time in a pool of woe-is-me, fearing an impending afternoon of similar meltdowns. I've come to realize if I give in to this, it's a sealed guarantee of more of the same. But if I recalibrate and remind myself how little this should be about me, how lucky I am to have that happy, healthy, fiery kid-nado canvas- it becomes much easier to turn my mope into hope, dread into tread. E's love of hop-hops- the name for bunnies 'round here- runs wild and deep (it's even the theme of this years birthday). She has amassed a mass of bunny toys and figurines, and those are my magic makers on the aforementioned rough days. Like more fabulous woodland Elves on the Shelf, while she naps- bunnies do funny or strange things... when she awakens and discovers whats the hap with the hop-hops, those brief milliseconds! The confused curious smile! Hands down my favorite moments of magic. Sometimes one is naughtily swimming in the bathroom sink, another time a Calico Critter bunny built and climbed a tower of blocks as high as the ceiling. Once a play-doh bunny awaited with coveted googly eyes, ready to be mashed and reinvented. Yesterday, she awoke to a wall covered in giant hop-hop paper cut outs. It was b.day party decor I just finished, and thought- lets use the extra fancy (aka $$$) washi tape she's always trying to get her mitts on, and stick these up for a Bunnies Are Magic moment. It's all secretly selfish on my part though. Before I know it, when mama's manufactured hop-hop magic is a long lost memory and she is too cool for my quirky school, at least I'll have those mental polaroids of her perplexed-enchanted-just-woke-up babyface to help get me past whatever the hurdle du jour will be. I don't give a rat's turd about Santa Claus, but oh man, when she stops believing in the mysticism of bunnies- that'll be the real twist of the dagger!